Burn it to the ground...tonight!
Μην περιμένεις να φτιάξουν τα πράγματα για να ανασάνεις ξανά και να ζήσεις...
Μην περιμένεις τους άλλους να έρθουν να σε φτιάξουν την διάθεση για να πάρεις ξανά μπρος...
Εσύ αποφασίζεις για την διάθεσή σου, για την ζωή σου...για τα πάντα σου...
Μόνο εσύ έχεις αυτή την δύναμη...αρκεί να πιστέψεις σε αυτή...
Εγώ αποφάσισα....
Well, it's midnight, damn right, we're wound up too tight
I've got a fist full of whiskey, the bottle just bit me
Oh, that shit makes me bat-shit crazy
We've got no fear, no doubt, all-in, balls out
We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything we want, drink everything in sight
We're going 'til the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight
We're screaming like demons, swinging from the ceiling
I got a fist full of fifties, tequila just hit me
Oh, we got no class, no taste, no shirt, shit faced
We got 'em lined up, shot down, firing back straight crown
We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything we want, drink everything in sight
We're going 'til the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight
Ticking like a time bomb, drinking 'til the night's gone
Get you hands off this glass, last call, my ass
Well, no chain, no lock, and this train won't stop
We got no friend, no doubt, all-in, balls out
We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything we want, drink everything in sight
We're going 'til the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight
Το οτι υπάρχουν όμως άνθρωποι που ανέχονται, κάποια απάνθρωπη συμπεριφορά ή προτιμούν -ακόμα χειρότερα- να μην ασχοληθούν καν... με εξοργίζει ακόμα περισσότερο απο τον φαινομενικά άρρωστο άνθρωπο που κάνει αυτό που κάνει...
Το ερέθισμα για το παραπάνω σχόλιο, ήταν ένα άρθρο που διάβασα στην ιστοσελίδα cosmo.gr
Ένα ζευγάρι "αποφάσισε" πως το σκυλάκι που έχουν, δεν τους "κάνει" πια και το καλύτερο που μπορούσαν να κάνουν -αντί να το δωρίσουν-χαρίσουν σε κάποια φιλόζωη οικογένεια π.χ.- ήταν να το πετάξουν στην θάλασσα για πνιγεί...
-ευτυχώς απο τις φωτογραφίες φαίνεται -εκτός απο την αρρώστια που είναι εμφανέστατη στο πρόσωπο του "κυρίου" της "κυρίας"- ότι πέρα απο άρρωστοι είναι και πανύβλακες, πήγαν να το πνίξουν σε μια είσοδο/έξοδο για βάρκες και το σκυλάκι μπορούσε να ξαναβγεί στην στεριά...-
Ευτυχώς υπήρχε μια κοπέλα κάπου απέναντι και τράβηξε τις φωτογραφίες και τις παρέδωσε στο δικαστήριο και το ζευγάρι καταδικάστηκε για πρόκληση βλαβών σε ζώο...
Αυτό που με εξοργίζει περισσότερο είναι πως εκεί παραδίπλα υπάρχουν 2 -δυο- νεαρά άτομα -ο ένας διαβάζει το βιβλίο του και η άλλη κάνει μπουγάδα; ψαρεύει; δεν ξέρω- και δεν φαίνεται πουθενά να τους απασχολεί αυτό που συμβαίνει 2 μέτρα κοντά τους!
Μην μου πει κανένας οτι ο ένας ήταν αφοσιωμένος στο βιβλίο του και η άλλη έτριβε και έτριβε με κόπο το ρούχο για να βγει ο λεκές και δεν άκουσαν -ΣΙΓΟΥΡΑ- τα κλαψουρίσματα απο το σκυλάκι που το βασάνισαν και το πέταξαν 4 -τέσσερις- φορές στην θάλασσα για να το πνίξουν... θα τον πνίξω...
Δημοκρατία μπορεί να υπάρχει σε πολλές χώρες και ο καθένας να είναι ελεύθερος να πράξει ότι νομίζει, αλλά κανένα ον -άνθρωπος η ζώο- στον πλανήτη δεν πρέπει να βασανίζεται γιατί έτυχε να έχει άρρωστους γονείς ή "αφεντικά"
Πρέπει οι σώφρονες που ζουν τριγύρω τους να καλέσουν την κοινωνική πρόνοια ή τον όποιο αρμόδιο για να σώσουν την συγκεκριμένη ψυχή και αν γίνεται οι "άρρωστοι" να πάνε να κλειστούν σε ίδρυμα και να κάνουν παρέα με τους ομοίους τους...


Το άρθρο μπορείτε να το διαβάσετε εδώ
Με μια άλλη ματιά -σκωπτική ίσως- αφιερώνω το τραγούδι των Alice In Chains στα 2 παλιοτόμαρα που ήταν παρόντα στο σημείο...
My sins I'll claim, give you back shed pain
Go find a place for own shame
So you can deal with this thing unreal
No one made you feel any hurt, yeah
When I waken, and I'm achin', time for sleepin, yeah
When I'm sayin time to go and, I've been hurtin, yeah
When I'm layin, I'm still tryin, concentrating on dyin', yeah
You're right as rain, but you're wrong to blame
Agreed my crime's the same
My sins I'll claim, give you back shed pain
Go find a place for own shame
So you can deal with this thing unreal
No one made you feel any hurt, yeah
Body's movin, only provin, no one heeds to move
Still believin, yet mistaken, all God's children, yeah
And I must say, I was stupid, selfishly she consumed, yeah
And you must change patterns all we trained
Or n'er regain peace you seek
Now you hear me, for the things I see
Yeah, I believe in inner peace, yeah
Throw out, blow up, hold in
Show fine, no signs, grow blind
Here I go...again....
Μηδενίζω το κοντέρ και ξεκινάω...
Με περίσσια όρεξη για γκρίνια, χαβαλέ, μουσική και σχόλια για πράγματα που τράβηξαν την προσοχή μου...
Σύντομα..............με αρκετές αλλαγές...
Rory on...







Ήταν ο ήχος στην φωνή του....
Ο ήχος στην κιθάρα του....
Οι εκφράσεις στο πρόσωπό του...
Το στυλ του πάνω στην σκηνή...
Η μουσική στους δίσκους του....
Ο Rory Gallagher ήταν -και θα είναι- Μ Ο Ν Α Δ Ι Κ Ο Σ
Σαν σήμερα το 1995 ο Rory έφυγε απο την ζωή μετά απο πνευματικό οίδημα ύστερα απο μεταμόσχευση του ήπαρ...
Μυημένοι και μη...παρακαλώ και προκαλώ, να στήσουν αυτί και να ακούσουν ελάχιστα τραγούδια του που παραθέτω σαν φόρο τιμής...
Rory on...
Και πόσα ακόμα....
Rory για μένα δεν έφυγες ποτέ...
Μετακομίζω γιατί χωρίζω....
Θα κάνω όμως μια προσπάθεια...
Πρώτο θέμα...
"Μετακομίζω γιατί χωρίζω" -κυριολεκτικά-
Οι άνθρωποι αλλάζουν κυρίως όταν φτάνουν στα όριά τους... Έτσι λοιπόν -και εγώ αλλά και η σύζυγος- φτάσαμε στα όριά μας και σαν πολιτισμένοι άνθρωποι, αποφασίσαμε ότι πρέπει να χωρίσουν οι δρόμοι μας, πριν γίνουμε "εχθροί" και γίνει χειρότερο ΚΥΡΙΩΣ για τα παιδιά, κρατώντας μια στάση ουδέτερη -προς το παρόν- ελπίζοντας να γίνει η πρέπουσα στο άμεσο μέλλον... Δεν έχουμε να χωρίσουμε τίποτα πέρα απο το ότι πλέον δεν ταιριάζουμε... Μας δένουν και θα μας δένουν για πάντα τα πιτσιρίκια μας, οπότε η συνεργασία μας ως γονείς, θα πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον ευπρεπείς...
Παρόλο που αρκετοί απο το σόι μου προσπάθησαν να με ψαρέψουν γιατί και πως, δεν τους έδωσα την χαρά να κατηγορήσω την μητέρα των παιδιών μου, για να έχουν να λένε είτε μεταξύ τους είτε αργότερα στα πιτσιρίκια μου... Πρέπει να αρκεστούν στο ότι ..."απλά αλλάξαμε σαν άνθρωποι, σαν χαρακτήρες και πλέον δεν ταιριάζουμε..." τέλος...
Το ότι κάποιοι το βλέπουν σαν την καταστροφή του κόσμου επειδή κάποιο ζευγάρι με παιδιά φτάνουν στο διαζύγιο, για μένα είναι αστείο. Όχι μόνο επειδή το έζησα σαν παιδί, ούτε επειδή το ζω τώρα... Αλλά σαν κοινωνικό φαινόμενο, σε όλον τον κόσμο, το αντιμετωπίζουν σαν κάτι φυσιολογικό... Στην χώρα που ζω, δεν μπορούν να νιώσουν ότι "τα πάντα ρει"... Όλα είναι "ρευστά" και τίποτα δεν μπορεί να παραμείνει ως έχει...
Τέσπα... αρκετά με αυτό... θα επανέλθω κάποια στιγμή αργότερα στο μέλλον...
Δεύτερο θέμα...
Το blog μου έφτασε τις 100 αναρτήσεις... να τα χιλιάσει : )
Τρίτο θέμα...
Η μισιρλού μου, χθες γέννησε 3 υπέροχα γατάκια... -το τέταρτο, αλλά δεύτερο στην γέννα, που είχε τα χρώματά της, δυστυχώς δεν τα κατάφερε...-
Τέταρτο θέμα...
Οι αγανακτισμένοι, "ανέτρεψαν" την δική μου αγανακτισμένη αντίδραση... -ίσως να επανέλθω στο άμεσο μέλλον με αυτή την κίνηση-
Λεπτομεριακά για όλα τα θέματα...σύντομα... ελπίζω : )
Ένα τραγουδάκι για συντροφιά... -τρελά αγαπημένο-
Brave New World...

Στις 29 Μαΐου του 2000 οι Iron Maiden κυκλοφόρησαν το Brave New World
Η επιστροφή των αρχόντων του Heavy Metal στον θρόνο τους -μετά απο 3 μέτρια, κατα την προσωπική μου άποψη πάντα, lp No Prayer For The Dying, X Factor και Virtual XI- ήρθε με το Brave New World με την προσθήκη των "φευγάτων" Bruce Dickinson -έφυγε το 1993- και Adrian Smith -έφυγε το 1990- και κέρδισε ξανά την εμπιστοσύνη των παλαιοτέρων οπαδών, αλλά κέρδισε και πολλούς καινούργιους...
Τι να πει κανείς για αυτόν τον δίσκο;
Για την ανανεωμένη ατμόσφαιρα στην παραγωγή μετά τα -σκοτεινά και ¨φτωχά¨- X Factor και Virual XI; η για τα γεμάτα με ενέργεια εφήβου τραγούδια;
Η έμπνευση απο βιβλία και ταινίες είναι και πάλι παρούσα...όπως το ομώνυμο τραγούδι απο το ΕΚΠΛΗΚΤΙΚΟ βιβλίο του Aldous Huxley Brave New World
Εμπορικά έφτασε στο #7 της Αγγλίας στο #39 στην Αμερική και #13 στο Billboard Internet Albums! κι έγινε χρυσός 6 φορές...
Το track list είναι το εξής:
1. The Wickerman
2. Ghost Of Navigator
3. Brave New World
4. Blood Brothers
5. The Mercenary
6. Dream Of Mirrors
7. The Fallen Angel
8. The Nomad
9. Out Of The Silent Planet
10. The Thin Line Between Love And Hate
Αγαπημένα μακράν είναι τα Brave New World, Blood Brothers και The Nomad τα οποία και προτείνω μαζί με το Thin Line Between Love And Hate στους μη-μυημένους...
Credits: Bruce Dickinson -φωνή- Steve Harris -μπάσο- Adrian Smith -κιθάρα- Dave Murray -κιθάρα- Janick Gers -κιθάρα- και Nicko McBrain -τύμπανα-
ΥΓ Σε μια συνέντευξή του ο Adrian Smith ανέφερε ότι 4 τραγούδια του δίσκου -The Nomad, Dream Of Mirrors, The Mercenary και ένα ακόμη που δεν θυμόταν ο Steve Harris - είχαν γραφτεί για τον δίσκο του Virtual XI. Ευτυχώς για μας, δεν το κυκλοφόρησαν με τον Bayley. -Συγνώμη Blaze, μην το παίρνεις προσωπικά...αλλά όπως και να έχει, ακόμα και η πορδή του Dickinson είναι πιο μελωδική απο την δική σου-
Hand of fate is moving and the finger points to you
He knocks you to your feet and so what are you going to do
Your tongue has frozen now you've got something to say
The piper at the gates of dawn is calling you his way
You watch the world exploding every single night
Dancing in the Sun a newborn in the light
Say goodbye to gravity and say goodbye to death
Hello to eternity and live for every breath
Your time will come, your time will come
Your time will come, your time will come
The ferryman wants his money you ain't going to give it back
He can push his own boat as you set up off the track
Nothing you can contemplate will ever be the same
Every second is a new spark, sets the universe aflame
You watch the world exploding every single night
Dancing in the Sun a newborn in the light
Brothers and their fathers joining hands and make a chain
The shadow of the Wicker Man is rising up again
I have sailed to many lands, now I make my final journey
On the bow I stand, west is where I go
Through the night I plough, still my heart, calculate and pray
As the compass swings, my will is strong, I will not be led astray
Mysteries of time clouds that hide the Sun
But I know, but I know, but I know
I see the ghosts of navigators but they are lost
As they sail into the sunset they'll count the cost
As their skeletons accusing emerge from the sea
The sirens of the rocks, they beckon me
Take my heart and set it free, carried forward by the waves
Nowhere left to run, navigator's son
Chasing rainbows all my days
Where I go I do not know, I only know the place I've been
Dreams they come and go, ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you feel
I steer between the crashing rocks, the sirens call my name
Lash my hands onto the helm, blood surging with the strain
I will not fail now as sunrise comes the darkness left behind
For eternity I follow on there is no other way
Mysteries of time clouds that hide the Sun
But I know, I know
Dying swans twisted wings, beauty not needed here
Lost my love, lost my life, in this garden of fear
I have seen many things, in a lifetime alone
Mother love is no more, bring this savage back home
Wilderness house of pain, makes no sense of it all
Close this mind dull this brain, Messiah before his fall
What you see is not real, those who know will not tell
All is lost sold your souls to this brave new world
A brave new world, in a brave new world
A brave new world, in a brave new world
In a brave new world, a brave new world
In a brave new world, a brave new world
Dragon kings dying queens, where is salvation now
Lost my life lost my dreams, rip the bones from my flesh
Silent screams laughing here, dying to tell you the truth
You are planned and you are damned in this brave new world
Dying swans twisted wings, bring this savage back home
And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life
What do you think you'd expect you would see?
Just like a mirror reflecting the moves of your life
And in the river reflections of me
Just for a second a glimpse of my father I see
And in a movement he beckons to me
And in a moment the memories are all that remain
And all the wounds are reopening again
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
And as you look all around at the world in dismay
What do you see, do you think we have learned
Not if you're taking a look at the war-torn affray
Out in the streets where the babies are burned
There are times when I feel I'm afraid for the world
There are times I'm ashamed of us all
When you're floating on all the emotion you feel
And reflecting the good and the bad
Will we ever know what the answer to life really is?
Can you really tell me what life is?
Maybe all the things that you know that are precious to you
Could be swept away by fate's own hand
When you think that we've used all our chances
And the chance to make everything right
Keep on making the same old mistakes
Makes untipping the balance so easy
When we're living our lives on the edge
Say a prayer on the book of the dead
And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life....
Pay to kill, die to lose
Hunted, hunter which are you
Diablo come again
To make trophies out of men
Lose your skin, lose your skull
One by one the sack is full
In the heat dehydrate
Know which breath will be your last
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, you've got to kill to stay alive
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, you've got to kill to stay alive
Show them no fear, show them no pain
Show them no fear, show them no pain
Show them no fear, show them no pain
Show them no fear, show them no pain
Human heart, human mind
Intellect intertwined
Focus sharp in the night
Watch the jungle burning bright
Toe to toe throw the line
Everyone's caught hand tied
Iron will iron fist
How could it have come to this?
Have you ever felt
The future is the past
But you don't know how...?
A reflected dream
Of a captured time
Is it really now, is it really happening?
Don't know why I feel this way
Have I dreamt this time, this place?
Something vivid comes again into my mind
And I think I've seen your face
Seen this room, been in this place
Something vivid comes again into my mind
All my hopes and expectation
Looking for an explanation
Have I found my destination?
I just can't take no more
The dream is true, the dream is true
The dream is true, the dream is true
Think I've heard your voice before
Think I've said these words before
Something makes me feel I just might lose my mind
Am I still inside my dream? Is this a new reality?
Something makes me feel that I have lost my mind
All my hopes and expectation
Looking for an explanation
Coming to the realization
That I can't see for sure
I only dream in black and white
I only dream 'cause I'm alive
I only dream in black and white
To save me from myself
I only dream in black and white
I only dream 'cause I'm alive
I only dream in black and white
To save me from myself
I get up put on the light, dreading the oncoming night
Scared to fall asleep and dream the dream again
Nothing that I contemplate, nothing that I can compare
To letting loose the demons deep inside my head
Dread to think what might be stirring
That my dream is reoccurring
Got to keep away from drifting
Saving me from myself
Lost – In a dream of mirrors
Lost – In a paradox
Lost – And time is spinning
Lost – A nightmare I retrace
Lost – A hell that I revisit
Lost – Another time and place
Lost – A parallel existence
Lost – A nightmare I retrace
Azazel is beside you and he's playing the game
Demons are inside you and they're making their play
Watching and they're hiding as they wait for the time
For a devil to get ready to take over your mind
You and only God would know what could be done
You and only God will know I am the only one
You and only God would know what could be done
You and only God will know I am the chosen one
Could it be it's the end of our world?
All the things that we cherish and love
Nothing left but to face this all on my own
'Cause I am the chosen one
Beaten fallen angel but I've risen again
And the power is inside me, I've decided to pray
As I wait for Armageddon and it's coming my way
It's an honour to be chosen and I wait for the day
Like a mirage riding on the desert sand
Like a vision floating with the desert winds
Know the secret of the ancient desert lands
Your are the keeper of the mystery in your hands
Nomad, rider of the ancient east
Nomad, rider that men know the least
Nomad, where you come from no one knows
Nomad, where you go to no one tells
Undercover of the veil of your disguise
The men that fear you are the ones that you despise
No one's certain what you future will behold
You're a legend you own story will be told
No one dares to even look or glance your way
Your reputation goes before you they all say
Like a spirit that can disappear at will
Many claim of things but no one's seen you kill
Nomad, you're the rider so mysterious
Nomad, you're the spirit that men fear in us
Nomad, you're the rider of the desert sands
No man's ever understood your genius
Those who see you in horizon desert sun
Those who fear your reputation hide or run
You send before you a mystique that's all your own
Your silhouette is like a statue carved in stone
Legend has it that you speak an ancient tongue
But no one's spoke to you and lived to tell the tale
Some may say that you have killed a hundred men
Others say that you have died and live again
Withered hands, withered bodies begging for salvation
Deserted by the hand of gods of their own creation
Nations cry underneath decaying skies above
You are guilty, the punishment is death for all who live
The punishment is death for all who live
Out of the silent planet – Dreams of desolation
Out of the silent planet – Come the demons of creation
Out of the silent planet – Dreams of desolation
Out of the silent planet – Come the demons of creation
The killing fields, the grinding wheels crushed by equilibrium
Separate lives no more disguise, no more second chances
Haggard wisdom spitting out the bitter taste of hate
I accuse you before you know the crime it's all too late
Before you know the crime it's all too late
When a person turns to wrong
Is it a want to be, belong?
Part of things at any cost
At what price a life is lost
At what point do we begin
Fighter spirit a will to win
But what makes a man decide
Take the wrong or righteous road
There's a thin line between love and hate
Wider divide that you can see between good and bad
There's a grey place between black and white
But everyone does have the right to choose the path that he takes
We all like to put the blame
On society these things
But what kind of good or bad
A new generation brings
Sometimes takes just more than that
To survive be good at heart
There is evil in some of us
No matter what will never change
I will hope
My soul will fly
So I will live forever
Heart will die
My soul will fly
And I will live forever
Just a few small tears between someone happy and one sad
Just a thin line drawn between being a genius or insane
At what age begin to learn of which way out we will turn
There's a long and winding road and the trail is there to burn
Holy Diver...

Έχει ψηφιστεί ως ο 8ος καλύτερος δίσκος απο τα Top 25 Metal Albums.
Μπορεί το peak των charts να ήταν το #13 στην Αγγλία και το #56 στην Αμερική ,αλλά ο δίσκος μετά απο σχεδόν 30 χρόνια εξακολουθεί να τα σπάει...
Δεν κουράζει καθόλου, γιατί έχει πολλές εναλλαγές στους ρυθμούς και στην δυναμική του κάθε τραγουδιού.
Οι περισσότεροι ίσως να γνωρίζουν το ομώνυμο και το Rainbow In The Dark...
Ε λοιπόν σας έχω νέα...όσοι είστε fan του Rainbow In The Dark, πρέπει να μάθετε ότι ο Dio δεν το γούσταρε μια το τραγούδι με τα έντονα πλήκτρα, γιατί ήταν πολύ pop για τα γούστα του... (όπως επίσης ήταν κι ένας λόγος που έφυγε απο τους Rainbow του Blackmore)
Γεια σου ρε αθάνατε κοντέ...
To πολλά βαρύ -και όχι- track list είναι το εξής:
1. Stand Up And Shout
2. Holy Diver
3. Gypsy
4. Caught in the Middle
5. Don't Talk to Strangers
6. Straight Through the Heart
7. Invisible
8. Rainbow In The Dark
9. Shame on the Night
Credits: Ronnie James Dio - φωνή - Vivian Cambell - κιθάρα - Jimmy Bain - μπάσο - και Vinnie Appice - τύμπανα -
Για τους μη-μυημένους προτείνω τα Caught In The Middle -διαβάστε και τους στίχους αξίζει- Don't Talk To Strangers -επίσης- και το Rainbow In The Dark...
Τρελά αγαπημένο είναι το Shame On The Night.......ΚΑΘΕ φορά με ταξιδεύει....
Οι υπόλοιποι....
It's the same old song
You've gotta be somewhere at sometime
They never let you fly
It's like broken glass
You get cut before you see it
So open up your eyes
You've got desire
So let it out
You've got the fire
Stand up and shout-shout
You've got wings of steel
But they never really move you
You only seem to crawl
You've been nailed to the wheel
But never really turning
You know you've got to want it all
You are the strongest chain
And not just some reflection
So never hide again
You are the driver
You own the road
You are the fire go on explode
Holy Diver
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh what's becoming of me
Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes but you know he's clean
Oh don't you see what I mean
Gotta get away
Holy Diver
Shiny diamonds
Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
Something is coming for you
Look out!
Race for the morning
You can hide in the sun 'till you see the light
Oh we will pray it's all right
Gotta get away-get away
Between the velvet lies
There's a truth that's hard as steel
The vision never dies
Life's a never ending wheel
Holy Diver
You're the star of the masquerade
No need to look so afraid
Jump on the tiger
You can feel his heart but you know he's mean
Some light can never be seen
Gotta get away
Get away
Gotta get away
Get away yeah
Holy Diver
sole survivor
your armours clean
Holy Diver
She was straight from Hell
But you never could tell
Cause you were blinded by her light
She could crack your brain
With magic pain
And turn a paler shade of white
(Well) I was on the free
Just me and me
And just about to sail
When I heard the voice
Said you got a choice
The hammer or the nail
You'll be ridin'
You'll be ridin' on the gypsy
Well I rolled the bones
To see who'd own
My mind and what's within
And it's a given rule
That we're all fools
And need to have a little sin
So I'm ridin'
I've been ridin' on the gypsy
On the gypsy queen
So she cracked my brain
With magic pain
And turned my left around to right, right
Looking inside of yourself
You might see someone you don't know
Maybe it's just what you need
Letting the river in you flow
You can sail away to the sun
And let it burn you while you can
Or walk a long bloody road
Like the hero who never ran
You'll feel it
You'll feel it
You'll feel the rush of it all
Flying away int the clouds
You know you're loosing your control
Finding you way in the dark
Like some poor forgotten soul
You'll feel it
You'll see it
You'll feel the rush of the city lights
You'll fell it
I see it in your eyes, you're
Caught in the middle
Just like the way you've always been
Caught in the middle
Helpless again
Looking inside of yourself
You might see someone you don't know
Maybe it's just what you need
Letting the river I know that's in you flow
Don't talk to strangers
Cause they're only there to do you harm
Don't write in starlight
Cause the words may come out real
Don't hide in doorways
You may find the key that opens up your soul
Don't go to Heaven cause it's really only Hell
Don't smell the flowers
They're an evil drug to make you lose your mind
Don't dream of women cause they'll only bring you down
Hey you you know me you've touched I'm real
I'm forever the one that lets you look and see and
Feel me I'm danger - I'm the stranger
I I'm darkness I'm anger I'm pain
I am master
The evil song you sing inside your brain
Drive you insane
Don't talk
Don't let them inside your mind yeah
Run away run away go
No no don't let them in your mind
Protect your soul
Don't dance in darkness
You may stumble and you're sure to fall
Don't write in starlight
Cause the words may come out real
Don't talk to strangers
Cause they're only there to make you sad
Don't dream of women
Cause they'll only bring you down
Run away run away
Hanging from the cobwebs in you mind
It looks like a long long way to fall
No one ever told me life was kind
I guess I never heard it, never heard it all
Living in a world of make believe
I can hide behind what's real
But wearing your emotions on your sleeve
And they all know what you feel
And here it comes again
Straight through the heart
Never tell a secret with your eyes
It's the eyes that let you down
Tell a little truth with many lies
It's the only way I've found
Oh here it comes again
Straight through the heart
Shout to the wind
How can you hurt me this way
Oh once it begins
It looks like it's coming to stay
If your circle stays unbroken
Then you're a lucky man
Cause it never, never, never has for me
In the palace of the virgin
Lies the chalice of the soul
And it's likely you might find the answer there
She had thirteen years of teenage tears
And never a helping hand
She had fourteen more of rain before
She saw the sight of land
She was a photograph just ripped in half
A smile inside a frown
And the the light, the answer right
Inside her coming down
I can go away
I can leave here
I can be invisible
He was just eighteen and in-between
A lady and a man
His daddie's girl in momma's world
And that was when he ran
You know the word confused has been abused
But that's just what he was
And then the spark inside the dark
The answer came because it said
You can go away
You can leave here
You can be invisible
Well I grew up quick and I felt the kick
Of life upon a stage
So I bought the book and took a fast look
At just the very last page
It was a single word that I'd just heard
From the two that came before
The only way to really stay
Is to walk right out the door
You can go away
Lord you know it's right to leave here
So I just become invisible
When there's lightning
You know it always brings me down
Cause it's free and I see that it's me
Who's lost and never found
I cry out for magic
I feel it dancing in the light
It was cold, lost my hold
To the shadows of the night
No sign of the morning coming
You've been left on your own
Like a Rainbow in the Dark
A Rainbow in the Dark
Do your demons
Do they ever let you go
When you've tried do they hide deep inside
Is it someone that you know
You're just a picture
you're an image caught in time
We're alive you and I
We're words without a rhyme
There's no sign of the morning coming
You've been left on your own
Like a Rainbow in the Dark
Just a Rainbow in the Dark
When I see lightning
You know it always brings me down
Cause it's free and I see that it's me
Who's lost and never found
Feel the magic
I feel it floating in the air
But it's fear and you'll hear it calling you beware
Look Out!
There's no sight of the morning coming
There's no sign of the day
You've been left on your own
Like a Rainbow
Like a Rainbow in the Dark Yeah . . .
Your a Rainbow in the Da a a a a ark
Just a Rainbow in the Dark
No sign of the morning
Just a Rainbow in the Dark
Shame on the night
For places I've been
And what I've seen
For giving me the strangest dreams
But you'll never let me know just what they mean
Oh, So shame on the night
And Shame on you
You stolen the day
Snatched it away
But I saw the sky
And I never want to die
Now you know the reason why
I Say, Oh shame on the night
You don't care what you've done
So I think I'd better run
Shame on the sun
For the light you sold
I've lost my hold
On the magic flame
But now I know your name
Oh lord just go the way you came again
Oh,Oh shame on the night
Shame on the night
Shame shame on you
Shame on a dream
Shame on the sun and you
Shame on the night
Well i lost my hold in a magic flame
But Now i know your name
Shame on the night
Shame on you
Shame on all of you
Rory Gallagher...

Στις 23 Μαΐου του 1971 ο Rory Gallagher κυκλοφόρησε τον πρώτο του προσωπικό δίσκο με τίτλο.... Rory Gallagher
Μετά την αποχώρησή του απο τους Taste ξεκίνησε με άλλους δυο μουσικούς απο το Belfast -τον μπασίστα Gerry McVoy και τον ντράμερ Wilgar Campell- την σόλο καριέρα του... -και καλά έκανε-
Ο δίσκος έφτασε στο #32 της Αγγλίας -καθόλου άσχημα για πρώτη κυκλοφορία-
Ο Gallagher συνδύασε με μοναδικό τρόπο τα blues -κυρίως- με την rock, τα folk και τα country -ενίοτε και jazz- στοιχεία.
Αν και προσωπικά πιστεύω οτι ο ήχος και η παραγωγή γενικότερα αδικεί τον δίσκο, παρόλα αυτά -ακόμα κι έτσι- είναι ένας εξαιρετικός δίσκος.
Το track list είναι το εξής:
1. Laundromat
2. Just the Smile
3. I Fall Apart
4. Wave Myself Goodbye
5. Hands Up
6. Sinner Boy
7. For the Last Time
8. It's You
9. I'm Not Surprised
10. Can't Believe It's True
Αγαπημένα τα Just The Smile, I Fall Apart, For The Last Time τα οποία και προτείνω στους μη-μυημένους...
Οι υπόλοιποι...
ΥΓ Επιφυλάσσομαι στο μέλλον να αναρτήσω φωτογραφίες απο την μπάντα που παίζαμε το For The Last Time -το οποίο τραγουδούσα κιόλας : )))) -
What do you think of that?
I'm sleeping down at the laundromat,
If you should pass by,
Be sure to drop right in.
Well I don't have no clothes to clean,
To put inside the machine,
It was the craziest place,
I have ever been.
Come 'round and meet my friends,
They'll be there with me,
With me to the end,
With me to the end,
With me to the end.
They say I told you so,
Maybe bad times come and go,
If you don't know that right now,
But then you'll never know.
If you don't know that right now,
But then you'll never know.
Just the smile that is spreading all over her face,
Could warm up the room and set fire to the place.
Yes it could, you know it could.
Now the fog is clinging all over the town,
Put one foot in front then you just might fall down.
On the ground, she's in town.
But like the rain that is falling all over the land,
She cools down my mind when she touches my hand.
Feels so good, yeah so good.
Like a cat that's playing with a ball of twine,
That you call my heart,
Oh but baby is it so hard,
To tell the two apart?
And so slowly you unwind me,
'Til I fall apart.
I'm only living for the hour,
That I see your face,
And when that happens,
I don't wanna be no other place,
'Til the end of time,
You'll be on my mind.
I don't mind,
Waiting for your love,
Borrowed time,
I've got plenty of,
Rain or shine,
Please bring out your love,
Make it shine,
Like the stars above.
I'm only living for the moment,
When I hear your voice,
Oh, I'm waiting,
I don't have any choice,
And the day is long,
So won't you come where you should be.
Well I don't know, anymore,
I don't know, why I feel so sore,
I only know, I love you more,
Feel so blue, I think I'll wave myself goodbye.
The people say it, you look away,
From my mind, you wouldn't stay,
But you get stronger there, every day,
You know I feel so alone,
I think I'll wave myself goodbye.
I think I'll wave myself goodbye,
I just go on playing a loosing game,
I just go on playing a loosing game,
Some day, some day, ooooh.
It takes a fool, to learn to see,
If you can make out, the wood from the trees,
I must be blind, as I could be,
And now I feel so blue,
I think I'll wave myself goodbye.
Hands up reach for the sky
And I will tell you why
This is just a game I'm playin
You won't feel the same I'm betting now
Get up you know this time
That you made up your mind
Think of all the dreams you're chasin
Think of all the time you're wastin now
My world is upside down
My inside is inside out
I'm hangin to a leaf that's shakin
That’s hangin to a branch that's breakin off now
Go out into the night
Left to the sky
You’ll walk out the shoes you're wearin
Might even lose your blues, no tellin now
City streets and rolling cars,
The only sound you can hear.
But you know you might be wrong,
Just look right over here.
Back up against the wall,
Hands on the bottle.
You're gonna walk on by,
Then he cries you gotta, gotta, gotta,
gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta.
Take that sinner boy home,
Wrap him up, keep him warm,
He won't do no harm.
Take him home right away,
He's got no place to stay,
Let him walk right inside your home.
Go on and ask him his name,
Let him try and explain,
What in the world done him wrong.
Tell the man, lift him up,
Take away the paper cup.
One more inside him won't do him no good.
Sinner boy,
You've done me wrong,
For the last time,
You've sung your song,
Now I'm going to sing mine,
Out loud, so loud,
Like the roaring sea.
You've played around,
For the last time,
You've shown your claws,
Now I'm going to show mine,
Watch out, I'll be about,
In the night.
You ran around,
Since the very first day,
You've had your moment,
Now I'm gonna have my play,
So long, I'll be gone,
In the night.
You put me down,
For the very last time,
I hit the floor,
But I got up on the count of nine,
Goodbye, don't cry,
When I'm gone.
When the days begin to climb on me
And I begin to feel that I can't please
There's only one thing I can do
Call on the one who pulls me through, that is you, yeah, you
When I'm lost in some old lonely town
And there ain't no sign of you around
A voice comes whispering through my ear
And I can almost feel you here so near, so near
When the nights begin to drag me down
And there ain't nobody else around
There's only one place I must be
Close to you, you close to me, to me, to me
When the days begin to climb on me
And I begin to feel that I can't please
There's only one thing I can do
Call on the one who pulls me through, that is you, that is you
I'm not surprised, you didn't take the time to write me.
I'm not surprised, you didn't take the time to call.
But baby, you know it really shook me.
When baby, I heard you're not coming back at all.
I'm not surprised, you didn't stop to think about me.
I'm not surprised, you let me vanish from your brain.
But baby, you know it over took me.
When my freind said, you're gonna leave me here behind.
Why must it be? Why must it be?
Why must it be? Why must it be?
I'm not surprised, you started out without me.
I'm not surprised, you even stopped to care.
But baby, if you must desert me.
When you go, don't talk about me when I'm not there.
Can't believe it's true,
I can't believe it's true,
Baby, where are you?
Baby, where are you?
In the night I'm walking in my sleep,
A lonely man who just can't get no peace.
Oh, how I wish I just could see your face,
Then I wouldn't walk the floor pace by pace.
Clock on the wall,
Why do you bother to chime at all?
Clock on the wall,
Why does this have to happen at all?
And in the day I'm walking on the street,
Hear the sound, steps walking after me.
That's just trouble following me about,
That is one thing I can do without.
Clock on the wall,
Why do you bother to chime at all?
Spot on the wall,
Did I really see it moving at all?
I can't believe it's true,
I can't believe it's true,
I wonder, where are you?
I wonder, where are you?
And in the night I'm talking in my sleep,
The things I say, I just , just can't repeat.
Don't need no fingerprints to know,
You've got your hands on my very soul.
Clock on the wall,
Why do you bother to chime at all?
Clock on the wall,
Why does this have to happen at all?
the gypsy woman told me
you were your mother's bad luck child
the gypsy woman told me
you were your mother's bad luck child
you're having a good time now
you'll be having trouble after a while
Went to see the gypsy woman
to have my fortune told
she said run right home right away
and look through your keyhole
the gypsy woman told me
you were your mother's bad luck child
you're having a good time now
you'll be having bad times after a while
I believed everything the gypsy woman told me
every single word she said
i ran right home right away
and looked through my keyhole
another man in my bed
the gypsy woman told me
you were your mother's bad luck child
you're having a good time now
you'll be having bad times after a while
Well, my babe I had you on my mind,
Well, by little I watched my love slow down.
Yeah, yeah,
Do you know what it means to be alone?
Today you're laughing pretty baby,
Tomorrow you could be cryin'.
Well you live for the day you're gonna know,
You got Little Charlie,
Now come on and try to make it home.
Do you know what it means to be alone?
Today you're laughing woman,
Tomorrow you could be cryin'.
Well they tell me every dog has his day,
Tell me why all the good dogs can't ever run away.
Yeah, yeah,
Do you know what it means to be alone?